Since its beginnings in 1984, Down The Shore Publishing has made a quiet but conscious effort to have a positive impact on our region and our readers -and on our environment.

Our environmental commitment is expressed in three ways:
1. Our own efforts to "tread lightly" on the shore and the greater environment in our own operations.
2. Gently raising public awareness by publishing titles that add to a historical and environmental sensitivity in the region.
3. Direct support for independent organizations working to preserve open space, fight sprawl and suburbanization at the shore, and reduce contemporary impacts on the coastal environment.

In our operations, of course, we do the obvious things: Whenever possible, we print on recycled paper. We ship in used boxes and cartons purchased from a company that resells materials that would otherwise be thrown away; we reclaim foam "packing peanuts" from other businesses and reuse them; we reuse and recycle office paper. On this website we will occasionally feature shore natural history notes.

When we decide to publish a new title, we chose subjects which contribute to a fuller understanding of our place at the shore - providing an environmental and historical context: what this place was like in the past, what wonders are in front of our eyes that we may not even see, what traditions we can celebrate, what we are in danger of losing.

From the subjects of our titles, we hope to contribute to a consciousness that values the natural environment and respects the heritage of the past. (We believe that an environmental sensitivity goes hand-in-hand with historical preservation.)

We support the following independent organizations because they are doing serious work to deal with complicated, but fundamental, issues affecting the shore. These issues include: suburban sprawl and development, preservation of open space, public access, the impact of watercraft on shallow bays and estuaries, non-point source pollution, and the survival of traditional economies. These issues have no simple, easy answers and solutions may alienate some interests. But, because these organizations have the courage to confront tough issues directly, we support them.

Over the past years, the groups below received direct financial and/or in-kind donations and support from us. We encourage others to do likewise.

In the past we have also made donations to a number of schools, libraries and community organizations. We hope that our efforts contribute to a greater legacy of: permanent open space and wilderness preservation for

Top; diamondback terrapin hatchlings. Above; Noah finds a hatchling in the yard. Hatchlings usually hatch out in late August/early September. Females come on to land in June to lay their eggs, and are often killed while crossing the road to dig their nest. Read more about terrapins .
future generations, reduced suburbanization and sprawl in rural areas, and an increased awareness of the region's cultural history and traditional economies.

Ocean County
Izaac Walton League
"Save Barnegat Bay"
906 B Grand Central Ave.
Route 35 N.
Lavallette, NJ 08735
Phone: (732) 830-3600

Bluewater Network
311 California, Suite 510
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 544-0790
Fax: (415) 544-0796

Partnership for the
Delaware Bay
Delaware Bay Estuary Program
400 West 9th Street, Suite 100
Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone: (302) 655-4990
Fax: (302) 655-4991

Manomet Center for
Conservation Sciences
81 Stage Point Road
PO Box 1770
Manomet, MA 02345
Phone: (508) 224-6521
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