At the Beachhouse - A Guestbook
by Sandy Gingras
The Bayman: A Life on Barnegat Bay
by Merce Ridgway
Beach Bum's Guide to the Boardwalks of NJ
by Dick Handschuch and Sal Marino
Cold Rolled Dead
by Paul D'Ambrosio
by Leslee Ganss
Chance of a Lifetime: Nucky Johnson, Skinny D'Amato and how Atlantic City became the Naughty Queen of Resorts
by Grace Anselmo D'Amato
Closed Sea: From the Manasquan to the Mullica; A History of Barnegat Bay
by Kent Mountford
Eighteen Miles of History on Long Beach Island
by John Bailey Lloyd
Float Plan for Takashi's Voyage
by Mary Ann Devine
Fishermans Wife
by Josephine Lehman Thomas
Four Seasons at the Shore
by Margaret Thomas Buchholz; Sandy Gingras; Larry Savadove; Rich Youmans
Golden Light: The 1878 Diary of Captain Thomas Rose Lake
by James Kirk
Great Storms of the Jersey Shore
by Margaret Thomas Buchholz and Larry Savadove
How to be a Friend
by Sandy Gingras
How to Live at the Beach
by Sandy Gingras
How to Live on an Island
by Sandy Gingras
In a House by the Sea
by Sandy Gingras
Island Album - Photographs & Memories of Long Beach Island
by Margaret Thomas Buchholz
New Jersey in History: Fighting to be Heard
by Thomas P. Farner
New Jersey Shipwrecks: 350 Years in the Graveyard of the Atlantic
by Margaret Thomas Buchholz
O is for Oystercatcher - A Book of Seaside ABCs
by Barbara Patrizzi
The Oyster Singer
by Larry Savadove
Pecks Beach: A Pictorial History of Ocean City, NJ
by Tim Cain
Reasons to be Happy at the Beach
by Sandy Gingras
'Round the World: Takashi Sails Home
by Lucinda Hathaway
Sentinels of the Shore: A Guide to the Lighthouses and Lightships of New Jersey
by Bill Gately
Seven Superstorms of the Northeast
by James Lincoln Turner
Shore Chronicles: Diaries and Travelers' Tales from the Jersey Shore 1764-1955
by Margaret Thomas Buchholz, editor
Shore Stories: An Anthology of the Jersey Shore
by Rich Youmans, editor
Six Miles at Sea: A Pictorial History of Long Beach Island
by John Bailey Lloyd
Stafford Chronicles: A History of Manahawkin, New Jersey
Tales from an Endless Summer: A Novel of the Beach
by Bruce Novotny